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Monday, January 30, 2012

Big Event on Wed, Feb 1 at the Seattle Boat Show

Make plans to join us for a once-a-year opportunity (organized by the WA Boating Alliance which NMTA is a strong supporter of) to come together as a boating community. The purpose of this annual conference is to engage key boating leaders (that’s you); learn more about recreational boating and have some fun. I’ll be there and so should you.

"Washington Boating Programs in 2012: Opportunities and Challenges"

Location: Seattle Boat Show, Fish Stage (CenturyLink Exhibit Center)

Date: Wednesday, February 1 (9:00-1:00)

Cost: Free (not only is this event free but it also gets you into the Boat Show for that day for free.)

Guest speakers include Rob McKenna (Attorney General and candidate for governor), George Harris (NMTA), Steve Greaves, WBA, Kaleen Cottingham (Recreation and Conservation Office), Joanna Grist (WA Wildlife and Recreation Coalition), Gerry O'Keefe (Puget Sound Partnership), Jim Hebert (Hebert Research)

For full schedule of this event's festivities, visit this link: www.nmta.net/wba

*Rep. Jay Inslee was invited to speak but due to scheduling issues was unable to accept the invitation.

WA Boating Alliance Mission Statement: The mission of the WA Boating Alliance, an all-inclusive alliance of boating related organizations, is to develop, advance and implement consensus and proposals to enhance the recreational boating experience in Washington.

Please RSVP to WBA's Chair Steve Greaves (sgreaves@portagebaysystems.com)

Parking info:

Parking Instructions:

The most convenient parking is in the CenturyLink Parking Garage which you enter from Royal Brougham. The cost is $11. Credit cards may be used for parking.

Here is a link to parking details and a map: http://www.seattleboatshow.com/parking-details.html

Entrance Directions:

As the WBA Conference begins before the Boat Show opens, you will need to enter through the “Concourse Entrance of the CenturyLink Field & Event Center”. The Concourse entrance is on the 2nd level of the parking garage at the south end of the building.

If you choose to park elsewhere or arrive by transit, you can still enter from the Concourse level by walking to the south end of the building on Royal Brougham and use the stairs to get to the 2nd level.

There will be staff at the Concourse entrance to greet WBA Conference attendees and direct them to the Fish Stage.


The period between 9:00am and the beginning of the Conference program at 9:30am is for gathering, coffee, networking, obtaining your name badge at the entrance to the Fish Stage, and finding your seat. Please arrive in time to be seated by 9:30am as we have full program and speakers with tight schedules.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Legislative update

By now, I’m hoping you have your Boat Show tickets and have cleared your calendars for the 65th Annual Seattle Boat Show. While everything is getting in place for the Show, eyes are focused on what’s happening in Olympia, too.

Here’s a brief update on our legislative priorities:

House Committee Action:
HB 2444: Sets up a study of a marine innovation center
Position: OPPOSE

·         While we are not opposed to the concept of marine innovation, we are opposed to taking $150,000 from the Recreation Resource Account to study the benefits of a marine innovation center.

·         Plus, this center seems redundant given the good work already underway at the NW Center of Excellence and CAMPS (Center for Advanced Manufacturing in Puget Sound).

·         Solution: We would like to work with the prime sponsor on finding grants and/or money in the higher education budget as there is a much closer connection there than taking money from the Recreation Resource Account, which is part of the Capital Budget.

·         Status: The bill was heard last week in the Community Development Committee. You can view the testimony here.

HB 2469: Exempts advanced treatment systems for boatyards from the Shoreline Management Act
Position: SUPPORT

·         Background: The new Boatyard Permit pushes boatyards towards purchasing water treatment systems (think giant Brita filters)

·         This bill would allow them to get installed quicker with assurance that key environmental protections are maintained and shorelines are not harmed.

·         Status: Execed out of the Local Government Committee on Friday. You can view the testimony here.

Senate Committee Action
SB 6171: Increases the weight that is eligible for a exemption from the Pilotage Commission

Position: SUPPORT

·         Background: Currently, any foreign-flagged vessel needs a pilot unless they can qualify for an exemption, which is available for any vessels under 200 feet and 500 tons.

·         Working with the Puget Sound Pilots, we have reached consensus that the amount of tonnage can be upped to 750 tons.

·         If this bill passes, foreign-flagged vessels would be eligible for an exemption if they under 200 feet and 750 tons.

·         Status: This bill was heard in the Transportation Committee and was voted out of that committee on January 23. Hearing link here and vote to move it out of the committee here.

SB 6264: Add $1.00 to boat registrations to pay for a marine innovation center

Position: OPPOSE

·         While we are not opposed to the concept of marine innovation, we are opposed to taxing boaters an additional dollar to fund a marine innovation center.

·         Plus, this center parallels work already underway at the NW Center of Excellence and CAMPS (Center for Advanced Manufacturing in Puget Sound).

·        Solution: We would like to work with the prime sponsor on finding grants and/or money in the higher education budget as there is a much closer connection than charging the end user for this center.

·         Status: The bill was heard last week in the Marine Waters Committee. You can view the testimony here

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow...

While many stayed at home today, NMTA's legislative team was out in full force in Olympia, advocating for our members. Specifically, NMTA's Director of Government Affairs, testified in opposition to the tapping of the Recreation Resource Account to study the benefits of a marine innovation center. Similar to yesterday's bill (see the previous blog on the subject), this bill, while well-intentioned, goes about the funding in a way that has not sat well with our members.

You can view the testimony here: http://tinyurl.com/8xvxte2

Rep. Morris, the prime sponsor, tees up the bill and then Doug Levy (RBAW) and Peter Schrappen weigh in on why the concept is something that has merit, but the funds should come from some where else. 

What do you think?

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Marine Innovation Center?

The most recent idea making the rounds sounds like a good concept. Who's not for creating a Marine Innovation Center like we already have in Anacortes?

Here's a bit of the background: House Bill 2444 takes money from the beloved Recreation Resource Account to study whether a Marine Innovation Center makes sense. The Senate version has a different funding approach (adding $1.00 to boat registrations) for a facility in Skagit County.

To view today's testimony on this $1.00 tax, you can view it here: http://tinyurl.com/862twzl

Let me know your thoughts on this idea. (peter at nmta.net) 

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Economic Impact Study takes to the cyber-newstands

Deborah Bach at Three Sheets NW showcased the economic impact study co-funded by NMTA, NYBA and PNYA. It's here: Millions at Stake with New Proposal.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Tent for sale

Canal Boatyard has a great deal on a tent.

Details: New "Portable" Shelter, Steel Pole Tent. 30' wide, 39' high, 60' long.
Includes double ground rails, double backbone, 14" double trusses.
Barn style doors. A 55 ton marine travel lift will fit through the door.

$25K or best offer!

If interested or if you'd like to see pictures of it, please contact Ivaylo Minkov at Canal (minkov@canalboatyard.com)


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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

And they're off

Governor Gregoire delivered her State of the State address yesterday to a joint session of the state House and Senate. You can read her speech here (along with the Republican response).  Also, take a look at this session overview in The Seattle Times (here) that does a nice job reviewing the lay of the land and the session priorities. The conventional wisdom is that everything is on the table, which means that we are guarding those things near and dear to us (such as keeping the trade-in allowance in place; protecting the Recreation Resource Account and continuing to think about what a sales-tax hike would mean to member businesses (and boaters)).

NMTA’s agenda is not one of defense alone. Rather, there’s some optimism from the Government Affairs shop that a bill to make it easier for boatyards to install water treatment system as well as loosening up the Pilotage requirements are on a nice trajectory for success in 2012. Also, Sen. Nick Harper, a freshman Democrat from Everett, has collaborated with us to introduce a Senate version of the Marine Tourism Bill, which makes it easier for out-of-state entity-owned vessels to visit Washington state.

Check back here regularly for legislative updates. Things happen very slow in Olympia, that is until they happen very fast. Know that we will have a presence each day (and night) in Olympia on your behalf.

-Peter (peter at nmta.net)

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Sunday, January 08, 2012

News as America's Cup Approaches

NMTA will be introducing legislation this legislative session, which begins tomorrow,  to make it easier for boats to visit our world-class waters. Currently, any foreign-flagged vessel that is over 500 tons and 200 feet is required to have a pilot on board (if the boat is foreign-flagged, under 200 feet and 500 tons, there is an exemption process that allows them to access our area without a pilot). NMTA's bill would increase the ability to get an exemption by increasing the amount of tonnage eligible for an exemption from 500 to 750 tons. The exemption process would remain. 750 tons is in line with San Francisco, which is hosting the next America's Cup.

Additionally, President Obama signed the America's Cup Act of 2011, which provides an exemption for foreign-flagged boats to move owners and charter guests between ports if they are involved in the America's Cup regatta and related events.

Specifics on the federal legislation: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-3321

The America's Cup World Series regatta will begin this summer in Newport from June 23-July 1 and San Francisco this summer.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Boatyard Permit Fee increase is put on hold

Straight from the Governor's office, the move to raise boatyard permit fees from $350 to nearly $4,000 has been put hold.

Here’s a link to the Ecology web page dealing with the rule moratorium: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/laws-rules/suspension_update.html

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