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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Register Now for the Maritime Economic Forecast Breakfast on Nov. 19

Maritime Economic Forecast Breakfast at Pacific Marine Expo

Thursday, November 19, 2015 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Pacific Time)

West Club Lounge at CenturyLink Field Event Center
800 Occidental Avenue South Seattle
Seattle, Washington 98134
Phone: 206-448-7660


ABOUT THE BREAKFAST               
Join the North Seattle Industrial Association, Seattle Propeller Club, Port of Seattle, Seattle Marine Business Coalition, Marine Exchange of Puget Sound, Northwest Marine Trade Association, Pacific Merchant Shipping Association, and King County Maritime businesses for the 2015 Maritime Industry Economic Forecast Breakfast at Pacific Marine Expo.  Corporate breakfast partners: American Seafoods, Compass Courses Maritime Training, Crowley Maritime, Economic Development Council of Seattle and King County, Foss Maritime, Kane Environmental, Maxum Petroleum, Pacific Fishermen Shipyard & Electric,  Washington Maritime Federation and Wells Fargo.

The purpose of the breakfast is to bring leaders together to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the area’s workboat and fishing industries and to showcase our region’s important maritime industry.  Last year’s Maritime Industry Economic Forecast Breakfast attracted more than 300 top labor, business, local and federal government and community leaders.

2015 Program

Private Sector Speakers
Kenny Down, President, Blue North Fisheries (Confirmed)
  • economic forecast for the fishing industry and fishing boat recapitalization and an update on their new, high-tech vessel

Orlando Ashford, President, Holland America Line (Confirmed)
  • opportunities for the cruise industry in Seattle and, an update on HAL.

Public Sector Speakers
Stephanie Bowman, Co-President, Port of Seattle (Confirmed)
  • Opportunities for the Port's Maritime Division
John Wolfe, CEO, The Northwest Seaport Alliance, and CEO Port of Tacoma (Confirmed)
  • Increasing the region’s container line of business

Joshua Berger, Washington State Maritime Sector Lead (Confirmed)
  • Challenges and opportunities facing the State's maritime industry

Economic Forecast Presentations
Industry Competitive and Policy Analysis
  • John Martin, Martin Associates, and David Matusda (Confirmed)

Seafood Market Conditions Study
  • Andy Wink, McDowell Group (Confirmed)

8 – 10 a.m., Thursday, November 19, 2015
West Club Lounge
CenturyLink Field Event Center

To reach the West Club Lounge, you can either enter from the Occidental Street Entrance (just north of the Event Center) or via the Event Center Parking Garage Entrance at the north end of the 5th Floor.  We'll have directional signage for the event.

Following the breakfast, guests are invited to tour the Pacific Marine Expo, the West Coast’s largest commercial marine trade show. Preregister for the Expo and your badge will provide free admission.

$50 per ticket
Tables of 10 - $500

Checks payable to: Seattle Propeller Club.  We encourage you to invite elected officials and government staff to attend the breakfast and then to give them a tour of the Pacific Marine Expo show floor.  32% of the 550 PME exhibitors are based in King County!

NOTE: Registration for the 2015 Maritime Industry Economic Forecast Breakfast does not include registration to the 2015 Pacific Marine Expo, breakfast attendees must register separately to attend the Expo. To register for the Pacific Marine Expo click here

Call Polly Lynch at (206) 443-3830 or email

Gold Sponsorship - $1,000
10 tickets for a table at the breakfast with preferred table location, recognition by the breakfast emcee and company logo on the event PowerPoint presentation.  Company logo on a full page ad in Pacific Marine Expo program; on a banner in the Pacific Marine Expo registration area; on the King County Maritime website; and, on the brochure distributed at the breakfast.

Silver Sponsorship - $500
5 tickets for the breakfast with preferred seating, recognition by the breakfast emcee and company name on the event PowerPoint presentation. Company name on the brochure distributed at the breakfast and your logo on the King County Maritime website.

Sponsorship Details:
Ken Saunderson, (206) 282-6858 or


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Monday, November 09, 2015

Digital Advertising, Boating & Pizza - Thurs., Nov. 19 - RSVP Now!

You have heard the buzz words “Big Data” and “Digital Advertising”, now join us for a night of pizza and conversation as local digital marketing expert and entrepreneur, Gabriel Gervelis, dives into this fascinating world to uncover tips, tricks, and knowledge that can be applied to every aspect of your business. Innovation in technology has created an exciting new world, and this is your chance to get a “CliffsNotes” crash course from an industry expert... and eat pizza!
Gabriel Gervelis
CEO & Night Janitor
New Audience Media
NMTA is constantly seeking new opportunities that will allow you to grow your business. During this session, you will also learn why we have partnered with Gabriel’s company, New Audience Media, to create the Northwest’s most advanced online ad network serving the Northwest marine industry, giving you yet another opportunity to grow your business & support boating in the beautiful Pacific Northwest!
When: November 19, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Where: Northwest Marine Trade Association
1900 N Northlake Way, Suite #233
Seattle, WA 98103
Pizza and refreshments will be provided.
CLICK HERE TO RSVP so we know how much pizza to buy!

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Monday, November 02, 2015

Want an update on Land and Water Conservation Fund?

If you are a regular reader of the blog, then you know the ups-and-downs of the recent Congress and a fund that boaters cherish (that's the "Land and Water Conservation Fund"). So where do things stand?

First, the bad news: A few notable (obstinate) nay-sayers are holding up the reauthorization. It's a tremendous program. It's really too bad that a handful of lawmakers can use charged (inaccurate) rhetoric to confuse their colleagues.

Okay, onto more positive information:
  • Momentum and visibility for LWCF have never been higher, but we face an unprecedented moment of both challenge and opportunity as we fight to restore the program’s lapsed authorization. 
  • Pressure is mounting in the Senate to find a way forward for LWCF, to defuse the current stalemate where our champions Sens. Burr and Ayotte continue to hold other legislation until LWCF is included in a must-pass legislative package.  Senators on both sides of the aisle must aid in this effort by pressing their Leadership to act on LWCF reauthorization and funding NOW. (We are fortunate two have two champions in Senators Murray and Cantwell).
  • Here's our coalition's connecting points:
    • A vast majority of Americans want LWCF to be permanently reauthorized and fully funded
    • Congress, not the Administration, controls how LWCF funds are spent.   All projects submitted by federal agencies must be approved by Congress, so Chairman Bishop’s allegations are utterly baseless and insulting to his colleagues. 
    • The Appropriations Committee adjusts the funding allocation each year to address the needs of our local communities and the changing needs of our country - the same flexibility Congress has had for the past 50 years.  For the past decade, it has split funding nearly 50-50 between federal projects and LWCF’s various state grant programs.
    • Committee Members should oppose any efforts to make changes to how LWCF works now that restrict Congress’ important role or that would limit funding to protect treasured places in their districts, whether by harming our National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges and National Recreation Areas by restricting federal projects or by diverting LWCF money to non-conservation purposes.
Want get involved with this campaign? Drop Peter an email (Peter@Nmta.net)

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